Thursday, March 08, 2007

I want...

Lately, I've really wanted one of these
or one of these

or one of these
I don't think I anticipated how hard it would be to give up chocolate or alcohol. And its amazing how chocolate is everywhere - choc coated ice cream, pods have chocolate, choc chip cookies, choc cake, hot choc, iced choc. the only hot drink I have in cafes is hot chocolate. And so many times since Lent begun that I have really wanted to go to a cafe for a cake of some sort and a hot chocolate. And its been pretty warm lately so the thought of a nice cold beer has been very tempting too.

I've been tempted to sneak a hot choc once or twice during lent. After all, its not legalism, but grace that prevails, so its ok if I don't follow my lenten vow or break it once or twice. However, I have realised how easily it is to gratify ourselves. I want a hot choc I can go get one. I want a cold beer, maybe not immediately, but the next time I'm at the supermarket I can get a 6-pack and keep that in the fridge for the next time I feel like a cold beer.

Its also made me appreciate even more the sacrifice that Jesus has made. I'm struggling to sacrifice comforts - a cold beer, a chocolate bickie, a hot chocolate. But Jesus (as Philippians 2 puts it) made himself nothing and came as a human being and obediently gave up his life so that we may be reconciled with God. The lure of a hot chocolate suddenly pales in relation to that.