Friday, April 08, 2005

a (belated) tribute

Postdate-dated, but nonetheless, still a tribute. During his life, I never really bothered to find out more about him and what contributions he has made. But with the failing his health and his subsequent death and funeral, there has been lots of snippets of the Pope John Paul II's life.

He somehow reminds me of Paul. Paul was passionate. His life showed it. He was passionate about Jesus and about sharing the teachings of Jesus. The Pope was also passionate about Jesus and never wavered from that. He was also passionate about justice (or injustice as it is) and spoke up for the down-trodden.

I reflect on my own life and wonder... if I died now, what would people say I was passionate about? I'm not sure if I would like the answers! How does one develop a life that is lived out of passion. Blogging about it gives clues about what I am interesting in. But I want it to reflect in my life. I want people around me to pick up from my actions and words, what my passions are. Thats hard.

Also in a day and age, when people that seems to have integrity one day betray that trust, it has been refreshing to know that there has been a man of recent times who stood for justice, for Jesus and was man of humility and of integrity. And I bet, Jesus would have welcomed him saying, "Good on ya, mate!"

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