Thursday, November 04, 2004

Shaken, not stirred

Landing in Wellington is always a bumpy ride. Today was no exception. But glad to arrive intact (including my lunch!). At least it was sunny and reasonably warm. Always nice to came back to some kind of warmth!

I am writing this post on my laptop. Ahh… so nice to have it back (and in great working order again). Unfortunately, this may mean more late nights tapping away on it. I have BBC World running in the background to keep up with the US presidential results. I think I have had their voting system explained to me more than once in the past, but I still don’t understand it. Shallow, I know, but I am regretting the fact that I did not suggest some sort of bet in the office regarding the results. We would all have benefited from the chocolate biscuits the loser would have to buy. Anyway, I still find it mind boggling how one person (and his administration) could have so much influence all over the world. Bush seems to be leading at the moment. If he does win, I hope he spends the next 4 years cleaning up his mess!

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