Monday, February 07, 2005

Major OUCH!

It’s been more than a week since I broke the bone in the joint of my elbow. So I have been learning to cope with the limitations that come with having my left arm in a cast and a sling:
1. only using one hand to type – makes what is already a slow process even slower.
2. can’t drive cos my elbow is bent at about a 100° angle to help it heal at a proper angle.
3. trouble opening tight jar or bottle covers
4. can't spread my toast if the table to too high
5. can't do any cutting/chopping in prep for cooking
6. no able to take photos on my SLR (like I was supposed to do for my friend’s wedding in the weekend!)
7. basically, most things that require the use of 2 hands simultaneously.

I can’t straighten the fingers on my left hand cos those muscles are attached to the elbow so it makes it painful. And because the cast on my elbow is big and juts out somewhat, I keep banging it into door frames, or doors or chairs etc. though thankfully slight bumps so I haven’t done myself further damage (yet!).

Thank goodness for Tramol (strong painkiller)! Definitely couldn't have done without it so far!

OK. Enough one-handed typing for the day…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ouch! :(
Hope the pain goes away soon and the bone heals..