Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hazy days

Greetings from Kuching! Unfortunately I don't have any photos to upload as yet, but they are soon to come! Kuching is covered with a constant blanket of haze - the product of burning forests across the Kalimantan border. It seems like a thin mist is constantly shrouding the city. I've been told it has improved the last few days as there has been rain. But basically it makes it really humid and awful. Apparently a number of people are developing/have developed respiratory illness is the last few weeks.

I got in at midnight on Monday and I think I am somewhat getting over jet lag. Felt very tired yesterday and today, but that may just be the remnants of a busy few months. So far, life consists of eating, shopping, sitting around (with some relatives), eating, and sleeping. I guess that is what is called a holiday. Though I have it constantly at the back of my mind that I have an assignment due a week after I get back.

Also, I am officially confused as to where home is. Before leaving NZ, I would refer to coming back to Kuching as home. But now, I would refer to Wellington as home. The most disconcerting moment was when we were arriving into KLIA. The announcement was somewhat like this "to those visiting, welcome to our country, and to Malaysians, welcome home". It was then that I felt like a visitor and not like I was coming home and the confusion in my mind began. But in the meantime, I will enjoy what I can't enjoy back home - fresh local durians, chicken rice with good chilli and soya sauce, iced milo and toast with kaya and butter at a local coffee shop. But then, that is the taste of home...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Karen, missed you last Sunday night at Baseline - sorry! Had hoped to catch up quickly before you shot away again. Ah well... hope the rest of your holiday is relaxing (you know the word, right?) Take care :) Bec

P.S. I posted a comment (a question really) on the previous entry re. the movie...