Tuesday, December 14, 2004

ho ho ho

As I lay tossing and turning in bed, my mind was churning things over. Questions like so what is Christmas all about? kept going through my head. I guess this post has the danger of sounding cynical and pessimistic, but Christmas has got to be more than running around buying presents for everyone, pine trees and sparkly tinsel, and the same ol' carols year in and year out. And so it is. It is about the Christ Child that was born to us in Bethlehem.

The second question that then ran around in my head was - so what do Christians celebrate at Christmas? A baby? OK. Jesus was not just any baby. He was God and all, but again, there's got to be more to it than the nativity scene. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with presents or colourful (but tasteful, please!) decorations, carols or the whole baby Jesus thing, but I don't want to spend this time every year reflecting on this special baby born 2000 years ago in a dinky little manger. I need much more than that. I need a reason to really celebrate from deep within.

And in the wee hours of the morning, I found a reason to celebrate. [I had spent some time last Friday studying John's prologue to his gospel (John 1:1-18). So I think my thoughts are 'tainted' by that.] I will celebrate the Incarnation. Celebrate the fact that I don't have to try hard to build a bridge across to "god". Incarnation means the Bridge has been built by "god" and I just need to find it (which is a lot easier than having to build it myself). Incarnation means I get to connect with God in a deeply personal and meaningful way. But Incarnation also means, I go and do likewise. I need to be a link that others can connect with, so that they can Connect with the Bridge and thus find a reason to celebrate the Incarnation.

All because of you
All because of you
All because of you
I am... I am


Anonymous said...

He rocks, dont che know?
Good post! :)

Anonymous said...

(Thats was pete btw!)

Anonymous said...

STU Posting:
well how about that. i'm preaching on the prologue this sunday for exactly the same reasons you are talking about.
yep, the lesson from christmas is about a beginning...who did that little baby grow up to be? surely that's what christmas is about, assessing how God's interefence in our lives, is actually interfering in our lives!

Jungle Pop said...

Thanks, kazz, very refreshing - I needed that!