Saturday, December 04, 2004

on a sombre note

Our heart finds peace in knowing that death is not the end.
Death opens the way towards a life where God welcomes us to himself for ever.
Today's daily meditation from the Taizé site.
My 'niece' was born 2 days ago. It should be a happy occasion. It is... but I am reminded. She will never meet her father, except through her mother's and grandparents' (and aunts' and uncles') memories, photos, stories. Life is never fair. Even as we celebrate a birth, we mourn a death.

My cousin passed away about 3 months ago after losing a battle with cancer. I gained some insight in my own faith, his faith and a different picture of God. Once again, I need a sense of a God whose sense of justice and grace I cannot humanly comprehend, to help me have hope that this little girl is born into a place where death can be turned into a celebration of life.

A warm and sincere welcome to the world Kymberli.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your cousin's death, I hope that your niece has a life totally blessed by God...