Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Home sick... again. This time I went to see the doctor. Its laryngitis, so instead of talking, I now croak. This time last week I was at home, sick as well. Then I had a really bad sore throat and just felt really crook. I think whatever I had morphed into whatever I am having now. Even the doctor couldn't make a specific diagnosis, except that I have the symptoms of a bacterial infection so she has prescribed antibiotics.

And of course, as Murphy's Law would have it, I have had slightly more than usual phone calls since I have lost my voice and have ended up croaking into the end of the phone - but thankfully having very short conversations.

At least it is sunny. But day time TV is really bad. So I have ended up bugging friends via email. Heh heh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, its a fact, you need to get well soon!
Hope you do!