Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Stands for Discovering Jesus - the discussion group for those who want to know more about Jesus (funnily enough!). This week we looked at the passage on Nicodemus and what it means to be born again. Brilliant discussion. Found out that people use that passage to support re-incarnation! Had to try and explain that was not what Jesus meant and that we are 'born from above' in the this one and only lifetime. One of the girls there was lapping it all in and seemed quite excited about this concept after coming to understand it better. Quite refreshing to see such enthusiasm whenlearning about the life that Jesus offers. She was immediately concerned for all the people in China (her homeland) who don't have the chance to hear about Jesus and thus not have the chance to be born again (and that topic of course is another theological mystery). We have one more week of DJ (exams coming up soon). Its been a brilliant group. Not sure how to end it but hope we end it well since the students have learnt so much about Jesus and the life he offers. So do keep that in mind (and prayer) and let me kow if you have suggestions (besides going out for a meal - we've got that sussed!)

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