Tuesday, October 05, 2004

a hot topic?

On Friday, I’ll be joining the girls’ cell group to talk about suicide and euthanasia. Hard topic for students to deal with but I’m glad they are talking about it so it doesn’t become a scary thing or a “taboo”. Be interesting to hear what they’ll have to say though. If any readers would like to comment, please feel free. We were given 4 questions as a guide:

  • Why is it an issue?
  • How do people in general think and feel about it?
  • How would you deal with it if it happens to or around you?
  • What does the scripture say about it?

Scripture is actually silent about it (unless you count the stuff on murder which some people equate suicide and euthanasia to). I think its not right (I’m don't mean its wrong, though). Perhaps better phrased as not a wise choice. Also, I think they are the same thing (except assisted euthanasia - you can’t have assisted suicide). Euthanasia is putting an end, through death, to an intensely painful physical condition which causes deep suffering, and suicide is putting an end, also through death, to an intensely painful mental condition which causes deep suffering. It is not right because a purposeful choice to end a life always leaves a huge black hole behind. Yet it is not wrong because who would blame them for choosing to end their life in the midst of intense suffering that never seems to end.

From a ‘Christian’ point of view, judging the person for the choice is wrong. Jesus always went to the crux of the matter, so there we must go too. Empathising (or trying to) with their pain - be it mental or physical is a start. Allow them to voice it, even though they may repeat it over and over again. But that is the reality they face – pain and suffering – and they can’t see a way out that is life-giving at that point in time. Empathise and try to realistically optimistic. Don’t promise the world if you can’t deliver it. Sometimes I wonder if the negativity that people in general (especially Christians) feel towards it has a negative impact on those on the brink of it.

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